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I am Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and the Best Person I know. With all the pain and disappointments in my life. I try to learn the lessons from every situation; good or bad. To remember through it all I'm BLESSED and so Thankful.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Obama Doesn't have to Prove Ish

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Friday, Honestly I don’t care about the Royal Wedding but I must admit from some internet pictures I viewed Kate looks (in my British accent) actually quite lovely!

This whole Obama thing of consistently accusing him of not being a US citizen has gotten on my last nerve. He proved he is so now what? Now they want him to produce academic records. This is my question to all the intelligent US citizens and others when in our American history has any past President ever been asked to do either? Answer; NEVER. For those of you who like to cloth yourself in denial go ahead but common sense and fairness has to come into play at some point.

This is RACIST and I am so sick of it. This man, our President can’t get a break. If he does what I wish he would do and tell some people to jump off a fucking bridge and die then he would be accused of being “the Angry black man”. If he says nothing then he is weak and spineless with no back bone. The thing is no matter what he does or doesn’t do will always be criticized because he is black. PEOPLE LETS GET REAL it's that simple; he is black! How many times can you recall a past president making a televised speech to our nation and Republicans blatantly checking blackberry's, talking on purpose, holding up signs, or booing a President? Again I don't EVER recall that happening before. In their mind they could do that; after all this is just a black man who for some unknown and unbelievable reason made it to the highest position of power in our country.

The first big attack was he is an under cover Muslim as if Muslim equates to being the devil. As an FYI before our ancestors came over on ships to this country from Africa they were Muslims too. We became Christian because we had to take on the name and identity of the white slave masters and all of the African heritage and culture was lost and in my opinion lost forever. We are the only race of people in America that has lost our culture and identity but I won't get into that now. Then he was accused of being a socialist and of course we know the rich would die before they have to share any wealth.

The fact that he is a well educated, extremely articulate and a highly successful black man and role model doesn’t help in the eyes, hearts and minds of all the racist people in our country. You know what else I think gets under thier skin? His father is not just a black man but he is actually from Africa, OMG that's worse than the average everyday, born and raised American black man. That's twice as bad in the mind of these ignorant racist. After all these people still live in huts and and run around with bow and arrows and have zero intelligence and this man actually got a white woman pregnant and this union produced a son who became President of thier great United States of America. Many of them are still loosing sleep over that which is why they formed the most racist organization called the Tea Party. These people will stand for anybody as long as they are against Obama and is white. As I like to say "hate follows hate". People in this mindset will believe anything you tell them as long as it's against Obama. If you told them he is actually half alien from some unknown planet called Ummm they would believe it. Ignorance is grand when you truly want to hate someone.

If you think America is this big melting pot of diversity then your right but it still is filled with extreme racism but now a days people hide it more cleverly and don’t speak too much about it publicly unless your Sarah Palin who is too stupid to say anything of intelligence.

Originally posted by Ms. Angela's Stuff at 12:39 PM
Angie's signing off for now...feel free to read me again! Until the Next time Stay Blessed and Humble. Peace!

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